Minimum Viable... Camper?
The build planning marches on. I realize I skipped a few posts here, which leave minor tiny little questions outstanding about the cabin such as: What are you building? Who is building it? How expensive is it? How did you choose? How high over the cows are you hanging the electric? We'll get there. But meanwhile, let's talk about campers! But because of the wild flurry of building going on right now, it's going to be a while before the Minimum Cabin is up and habitable, but come hell or high water tables, I'm going to sit in that forest this summer, smell the unmistakable scent of the complex decomposition after the rain, paddle around in a canoe, make blueberry pancakes from wild blueberries, and figure out whether the sliding door should face east or south. What kind of wild lady of leisure is this Minimum Cabiness, paddling around in a canoe and sipping lemonade in a forest? - you might be asking. Well, it's not quite that. I work a lot, actually - but it's 2...