Good Neighbors
My neighbors are amazing. I won the benevolent & hilarious neighbor lottery. Kevin and Darlene have eclipsed my previous neighbor expectations. You know that quote about "Good fences make good neighbors" from Robert Frost? No? If you're not a Robert Frost nut, do you even New England, bro? Please at least go read this poem, "Mending Wall" so you can superciliously "well actually" someone the next time they mis-represent the quote about good fences and good neighbors. A pedantic aside, please humor me here. We'll get back to Kevin & Darlene in a minute. Like many Frost quotes, people often quote this in complete misunderstanding of the actual point of his poem. In "Mending Wall," Frost describes the annual repair of the stone walls separating his land from that of his neighbor, and how he sometimes questions his neighbor about whether the wall is even needed. "My apple trees will never get across And eat the cones under his ...