
Showing posts from August, 2021

Trees; or, How I Became the Villain from "Fern Gully"

  The tree clearing actually happened before the camper, but it's taken me a while to work up to writing about it, because I feel pretty terrible about it. The lot I purchased was heavily wooded, and I wanted to keep most of the forest intact, just clearing what was necessary. But this is a somewhat uncommon request, and it's a bit inconvenient for construction because there isn't as much space to maneuver the vehicles. Well, my long-distance request wasn't followed very well. The logger went in with instructions to clear a particular area, and then take out a few huge old pines that would be likely to fall in a storm. Because of equipment issues (and maybe a desire to add a little more hardwood to his lumberyard load?), instead of pulling out the individual large/old pines, he clear-cut up to each pine he needed to take out and took everything in front of it. This resulted in about twice as much clearing as needed. The day I saw it, the lot was a complete mess of torn ...